Rightness as Justifiability: Thomas Scanlon’s moral contractualism Victor Mardellat A theory of interpersonal justifiability Notice
An ethnography of migrants detained crossing into France Chowra Makaremi Immobility, confinement and subjectivation Notice
Is it a revolt? No, it’s a revolution. The Italian general election of March 4, 2018 Alfio Mastropaolo The electoral revolution of march 2018 in Italy Notice
Pediatric Psychiatric Power: An Ethnographic Approach Isabelle Coutant The transformations of Pediatric Psychiatric Power through the Lens of Adolescent Trajectories Notice
Abdication and political collapse Ivan Ermakoff The collapse of the regimes as the consequence of the political abdication Notice
José Emilio Burucúa, Nicolás Kwiatkowski, “Cómo sucedieron estas cosas”. Representar masacres y genocidios, Buenos Aires, Katz, 2014. Sandra Accatino . Compte-rendu
Moira Cristiá, Imaginaire péroniste. Esthétique d’un discours politique (1966-1976), Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2016. Omar Acha . Compte-rendu
Catherine Brice Thomas Cauvin, Public History. A Textbook of Practice, New-York, Routledge, 2016. Compte-rendu