David Amalric Day-to-day Protests: the Ethnography of Mobilizations in the Port District of Rio de Janeiro Article
Opportunities and Antisemitism. Housing in Paris, 1943-1944 Isabelle Backouche, Sarah Gensburger, Éric Le Bourhis Ideology, Interest and Local Administration Notice
Transnational Approaches to the History of Central and East-European Postwar Trials Vanessa Voisin La présentation du projet à la Convention 2016 de l’ASEEES Article
Édition allemande de Mein Kampf David Gallo Une mise au point sur l'édition allemande du livre emblématique d'Adolf Hitler Article
Political Socialisation Lucie Bargel, Muriel Darmon Moments, Agencies, Processes, and Definitions of the Political Notice
A sociology of individuals in extra-ordinary situations Thibault Ducloux Questioning the role of religion in prisons Article
State Domination in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire Benjamin Gourisse The social underpinnings and mechanisms of state domination in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire state domination (from the 19th to the 21st century) Notice
Multiple Correspondence Analysis Julien Duval How statistics can help our understanding of demographic data Notice