Human Rights on Trial Justine Lacroix, Jean-Yves Pranchère, Luc Foisneau An interview with Justine Lacroix and Jean-Yves Pranchère for the workshop “Actuality of normative political philosophy” Article
Summary of the Workshop “Race and Civilization in Japan” Rédaction Politika Summary of the Workshop “Race and Civilization in Japan” Article
Transformations to Discourse and Legal Provisions Concerning “International Marriage”. Understanding Theories on Race and Racialization in Modern Japan Shizue Osa The law of “international marriages” in modern Japan. Article
What has happened to Soviet war memorials since 1989/91? An overview Mischa Gabowitsch Soviet war memorials: a memory in conflict. Notice
Human Genetic Diversity Affected by Social and Cultural Factors Hiroki Oota The influence of socio-cultural factors on genetic diversity. Article
Why Counterterrorism Mocks the Laws of War Stephen Holmes, Luc Foisneau An Interview with Stephen Holmes Article
A yearning for fascism? Sabina Loriga The stakes of the strategies of “defascisation” of fascism Notice
Erdoğan’s egocracy and the Turkish nation Ruşen Çakır, Hamit Bozarslan, Timour Abel Interviews with Ruşen Çakır (Medyascope, Istanbul) and Hamit Bozarslan (EHESS) Article