Journalism and the Social Sciences
  • Interview with Sylvain Bourmeau — Professeur associé — EHESS
Threatened by insecurity, rushed, constrained by the growing standardization of formats, journalists have no time to take advantage of insights to be gained from reading works in the social sciences, and are sometimes even unaware of their existence. On their side, researchers pay no mind to being readable by others than their colleagues or spreading word of their findings to journalists. It could be enough, as Sylvain Bourmeau suggests here, to create in every newspaper or journal a post of reader of social science books, and in that way foster another kind of journalism, and beyond that, other ways of seeing the world.
With his knowledge of the social sciences and professional experience, Sylvain Bourmeau observes the practices of journalists. Stressing the fact that they would have everything to gain by imposing on themselves the kind of reflexivity and critical distance at the heart of the profession of a social science researcher, he outlines new perspectives for meeting and working together.
Interview published on 06-14-2017
Last modified on 10-25-2022
Original language: English Lire la version French
  • Biography
  • Bibliography of Sylvain Bourmeau
  • Thematic bibliography

Bâtonnage, Paris, Stock, 2017.

“Robert Park, journaliste et sociologue”, Politix, n° 3, 1988, p. 50-61.

Gaston Bachelard, La Formation de l'esprit scientifique. Contribution à une psychanalyse de la connaissance objective [1934], Paris, Vrin, 1967.

Pierre Bourdieu, Jean-Claude Chamboredon, Jean-Claude Passeron, Le Métier de sociologue, Paris, Mouton/Bordas, 1968.

Ivan Chupin, Nicolas Hubé, Nicolas Kaciaf, Histoire politique et économique des médias en France, Paris, La Découverte, 2009.

Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek, Janet B. L. Chan, Visualizing Deviance. A Study of News Organizations, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1987.

Cyril Lemieux, “Penser autrement la place des sciences sociales dans les médias”, Tracés. Revue de Sciences humaines [on line], #12, 2012.

Érik Neveu, Sociologie du journalisme, Paris, La Découverte, 2001.