“Welcome to the land of Lenin”. History of the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution. Jean-François Fayet October Revolution, commemorative culture, foreign delegations, political marketing, trip to the USSR, cultural diplomacy, Willi Münzenberg, 1927. Article
Appraisal of a commemoration Alain Blum The worldwide centenary of the 1917 revolution provided the occasion to revisit the question of its place in twentieth-century history, at a time when the country that had long borne aloft the “myth of October”, after much hesitation, and in clear indication of its discomfort. Article
Il controcanto di Davide Orecchio Lisa Ginzburg Lisa Ginzburg parla con Davide Orecchio del suo ultimo libro, Mio padre la rivoluzione (2017), del suo rapporto con il tempo e la storia. Varia
The Power of Integral Nonviolence: On the Significance of Gandhi Today James Tully The article suggests that Gandhi’s integrated thought and practice is of great significance today. It focuses on three arguments that Gandhi put together and tested in practice, and presents them in the way that R. B. Gregg explicated them. Notice
What is Collective Deliberation ? Philippe Urfalino In everyday usage, there is no need to specify whether a given “deliberation” is individual or collective. It may be surmised from the context whether it is a matter of an individual reflecting on what to do, or else a debate or collective reflection by members of a group with a decision to be made. Notice
Cuestionario sobre Cataluña Joaquim Albareda, Paola Lo Cascio, Stéphane Michonneau, Borja de Riquer, Ramón Villares, Pedro Ruiz Torres, Maria Cruz Romeo Los debates y controversias sobre la situación política en Cataluña movilizan intensamente a los historiadores y dan lugar a múltiples usos del pasado, a diversas lecturas de la historia. Varia
Ritorno al futuro Regno delle Due Sicilie Maria Teresa Milicia Nel febbraio del 2017, alcuni esponenti politici eletti nelle circoscrizioni del Sud, per la maggior parte del Movimento 5 Stelle, hanno presentato una mozione per la “Istituzione del Giorno della memoria per le vittime meridionali dell’Unificazione italiana”, nei Consigli regionali e nelle sedi parlamentari. Article
White Adam and Black Eve Helga Satzinger A study of a painting and reflexions on the human diversity in the 18th century Notice