Overthrown Democracy under Putin
  • Interview with Françoise Daucé — Directrice d'études — EHESS (CERCEC)
The authoritarian turn of the Russian regime in the 2000’s has refuted the democratic transition theory. Is this turning back to authoritarianism a follow-up to Soviet History? Or should this turn rather be analyzed as a new way of exercising power in the internet era? According to Françoise Daucé, Putin’s government, by invading the civil society’s sphere, disposseses the opposition of its themes and claims. Authoritarianism therefore goes well along the development of new medias and makes criticisms difficult to express. What parallels can be drawn with western regimes in which populist trends are growing?
An analysis of the authoritarian way of exercising power in contemporary Russia.
Interview published on 03-20-2018
Last modified on 04-11-2018
Original language: English Lire la version French
  • Biography
  • Bibliography of Françoise Daucé

Être opposant dans la Russie de Vladimir Poutine, Lormont, Éditions Le Bord de l’eau, 2016.

(avec Ivan Chupin), Par-delà la contrainte politique? La banalité des bifurcations dans les carrières journalistiques en Russie contemporaine”, Réseaux, September-October 2016, p. 131-154.

Russie: Les ruses de l’autoritarisme”, Tepsis Paper n° 3, April 2014.

Une paradoxale oppression. Le pouvoir et les associations en Russie, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2013.

La Russie postsoviétique, Paris, La Découverte, 2008.

L'État, l'armée et le citoyen en Russie postsoviétique, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2001.

Pour citer cette publication

« Interview with Daucé, Françoise, Overthrown Democracy under Putin », Politika, mis en ligne le 20/03/2018, consulté le 11/04/2018 ;

URL : https://www.politika.io/index.php/en/entretien/overthrown-democracy-under-putin